Sunday, March 9, 2008

Teddy Bears' Picnic

When we first had Ezra, Jason's mom gave us Jason's bear that he had when he was a baby. So, almost every night when we put Ezra to bed, we would wind up the bear and leave his room as the bear played Teddy Bears' Picnic.

About a year and a half ago, the music box broke. It lasted a long time considering it's over 30 years old. You could play the song if you twisted the handle backwards. Every now and then, Ezra will say how he wishes it was fixed and each time I say, I'll get a new music box for it. Have I? Nope. I even have three websites bookmarked for music boxes! It just wasn't at the top of my to do list.

After tonight, though, it became a top priority. As Ezra snuggled into bed, he grabbed his teddy bear and held it close, then started to twist the knob backward. I offered to do it for him so he could hear the song. As the melody played, I could see him snuggling even closer to the teddy bear. In the dark, I saw tears in his eyes. Then, he started to sob. Oh, it broke my heart! He said that he missed the bear's song. I gave him a hug and wiped away the tears. I told him that we used to play the music box every night before bed and he must have really nice memories of it.

He said his prayers and added at the end, "...I wish that the bear wasn't broken anymore."

After I left his room, I went right over to the computer and ordered the music box. I want to make sure that I do what I tell him that I will do and not break my word. Plus, how could I ignore such a sweet expression of his innocence? I can't wait to surprise him with it one night after it arrives!


Dorothy said...

Oh Jenn....I wouldn't have been able to resist either! What a sweety...he will be sooo surprised!

Anonymous said...

That made me tear up!! Poor baby.

Jennifer said...

I was searching google for a music box sample of Teddy Bears' Picnic. Your blog showed up somewhere down the list. I too had a wind up teddy that played this tune. My Nana gave it to me about 25 years ago (I'm almost 29 now). Now that I have a 15 month old son, I want him to have my old bear. When I visit my parents in California in a month, I'll be searching hi & low for it. That melody brings back SO many good memories. I would wind it up over & over until I fell asleep. Anyway, sorry to leave a random post on your blog. I hope you fixed Ezra's bear :)