Saturday, March 1, 2008

A month of photos

Yesterday, I was busy with getting some new labels done for my mom's soap and Ezra wanted to play with me. Haggis also wanted to go outside and was whining at me. Ezra saw the camera and said he wanted to take some pictures. Well, I gave him a quick primer and told him not to drop it and I was off to take Haggis outside.

Ezra was engrossed in taking photos. In fact, he took so many that the batteries ran out and the memory card became full! When we uploaded them to the computer, I was honestly surprised at how good they turned out. He has an eye for it, in my opinion.

So, each day in March, I will post a photo of his for your viewing pleasure. Keep in mind that he is 4 1/2. Stay tuned for each day's photo and caption.

Here's his first photo:
Haggis - our beloved dog

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