Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Been a while

I last posted a few weeks ago! Even my daily photos from Ezra were being neglected.

It's been a long month of March. And now it's April already! Last week, while Ezra's school was out for Spring Break, I started a mural in the baby room of Noah's Ark. I say "started" because it's not finished yet. I hope to work on it from home (using some luan cutouts) and have it completed by the end of this week. I volunteered for it last summer, so I am wanting to have it off my plate.

My mom advised me that I need to declutter my life. Right now, it's very filled with lots of projects and obligations - even more than at the beginning of the year. That one week I took off from work was wonderful, but I realize that I actually added more during that week than took away.

I think my time with my current boss will soon be coming to a close. I think I need to do this. The trick is to convince my darling husband that it is a good idea. It's hard to leave something we've grown financially dependent upon, but I feel like God wants me to take that step of faith in order to trust Him to do something big. I've been gearing up toward a change by trying to buy some more respectable clothing (instead of jeans and t-shirts) so I can make a good impression on someone. At this point, I feel led to work more with O My Soap, and I'd really like to see us get an account with Mast General Store (one location to begin with). But that won't happen until someone actually makes the effort.

Anyway, lots in my head. I need to finish a newsletter template for Tony. Our newly redesigned and much pared down insurance community should be back online soon - http://www.ultimatestaff.net. And Jason and his friends just launched http://www.eldritchrpg.com last night. I am proud of the work Jason did programming the site. He has put soooo many hours into it. In fact, I am letting him sleep in this morning to help revive him a bit. Maybe I'll get to talk with him more now?

Have a good day everyone!

1 comment:

Aimee D said...

glad to see you are alive and in the world! miss you terribly! declutter declutter and be at peace with following God's will.