Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A bunch of sickos...

Ezra had a fever and earache last Thursday, but I kept him from the doctor thinking that it would go away. I hate how most doctors seem to prescribe antibiotics for everything these days, "just in case".

He went to school on Tuesday and came home with a fever. By this morning, his cough had gotten worse and fever was still there. Time for the doctor. They said they could work us in (which means a two hour stay in their waiting room). We had a nice quiet time waiting for the doctor. Ezra drew while I brought my notebook and wrote down ideas and dreams for O My Soap!

Ezra drew this picture of a family of birds in a tree. That's him at the bottom getting ready to catch the mommy bird. The daddy bird is on the branch and babies in the nest.

All said and done, he has walking pneumonia. It sounds awful, and it really is for him, but at least there's no future of hospital beds with this kind of illness. He hates to take medicine to the point where he vomits it up because he gets so worked up. But today, I forced him to take it. I was too tired from everything to make a game out of everything else he's hesitant to do. I just wanted him to take the darn medicine because I said to and because he had to. He finally did.

Later on in the afternoon, he developed a painful earache and he and I went to CVS to get some homeopathic eardrops from Similasan. He was doubtful, I was hopeful and about 40 minutes later I noticed he stopped moaning and crying. His earache had lessened. Thank the Lord for that. His fever spiked tonight to over 102. We were watching old video of when he was a one year old. How sweet it was to see my little baby.

Anyway, now I am feeling yucky. Maybe Aimee gave me a virus through the computer - ha ha ha ha. Just kidding sweetie. Everyone stay well and remember to wash your hands. :)


Dorothy said...

I'll be praying for you all today..and want to stop over later. I sent Ezra a little happy video that will cheer him. Love you...!

Jennifer said...

thanks Mom! You and Dad are so sweet to think of him. The best Nana and Poppy in the whole world!

Aimee D said...

oh...poor little guy and poor little momma! hope you all are feeling well very soon. passing good healing vibes through the internet waves (and ha ha on the sickness...i'm feeling much better thank you!)