Monday, April 7, 2008

I've been tagged!

This is the second time I have been tagged by my friend Aimee in Knoxville. The first time, I ignored her and hoped the request would go away (ha ha ha), now I must do it. I want to keep my friend happy. :) Check out her blog, Daisyeyes

1. I spent two summers living at the Salvation Army shelter in Atlantic City where I sang on the Boardwalk all day for 5 days a week. We collected money for the shelter and traveled to churches to sing on weekends.
2. I have dandruff (that's the weird fact, and a little random too).
3. I knew my husband for about four days before I offered to drive him (alone) from NC to Mississippi. And his friend ran a background check on me. I don't know who was crazier!
4. I want to buy an old building in our downtown and live upstairs. Downstairs would be a comic book store, coffee shop and then a separate shop for O My Soap! I would have a rooftop garden and have so much fun designing a loft home. I've always wanted to live in a city environment, but as I have grown older, I like the small town. So this would be the best of both worlds.
5. Things I used to want to be: an archaeologist, a missionary, a coffee shop owner, and an artist.
6. When I was in 7th grade, my science fair project involved live mice. I had to get special permission to use them. One group was fed junk food, the other healthy mice food. The junk food group turned into cannibals and my dad threw them out in the field. Can't remember if I reported that in my findings though.
7. I love the mountains and the beach and long for a time when I can relax with my family in either of those locations.

I will tag others in a bit, my dog is wanting to go out.
Here are the rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog. Some random, some weird.
3. Tag up to 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


Aimee D said...

ok...that was definitely interesting! i can say that i now know 7 things about you that i don't think i knew :)

Dorothy said... aren't telling everything about that you were only 15 the first summer? and you Mom was unbelievable worried about you those two whole summers? And don't ask me about #3..I mean about the worry part!! #4 is sooo doable!! I am with you Jenn!

Anonymous said...

How bizaare about those mice!