Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sensitive morning, chocolate chip pancakes

So, Ezra's been a little out of commission with an earache, cough and fever. He did not go to school on Thursday or Friday. And this morning it is rainy and dark. I think Ez is getting a little stir-crazy because since he woke up, every little thing is cause for tears.

Can't draw an 'S' the right way? cry
Can't get the tape dispenser out in time before a handmade envelope pops open? cry
Not allowed to use real stamps on the just-made envelope? cry
Didn't get to say goodbye to Daddy before he went to work? cry

So, I made some cornmeal chocolate chip pancakes with cinnamon (yum-my), helped my son draw the words "Star Wars" on a piece of paper, yelled a few times for him to stop crying (which made it worse), drank some coffee while he had a meltdown, brought the tape dispenser to him, suggested he draw a stamp instead of use a real one, and have him call Daddy at work.

Whew! No more tears after that...oh, and eating the pancakes helped too (me...not Ezra)!

Have a good morning and may your child's meltdowns (or yours) be few.


Aimee D said...

i can totally relate to all of least a little chocolate helped you :)

Dorothy said... described that perfectly! I'm sorry that I had to laugh...! Wish I could have sampled those pancakes..!